The woman’s intimate zone

Vaginal problems in women is a problem worldwide. To promote intimate zone health, you can take probiotics. But what exactly is this and what are the benefits?

VLife from Vital Products

Vaginal problems in women is a problem worldwide. Every year there are a trillion women who experience vaginal problems, think itching, irritation, swelling, pain, redness and vaginal discharge. All this causes a lot of discomfort and it is a subject that is not discussed enough. To promote the health of a woman’s intimate zone, you can take probiotics. But what exactly is this and what are the benefits?

Vaginal microbiome

The vaginal micro tree is a dynamic ecosystem, and consists mainly of lactic acid bacteria, such as Lactobacillus. These bacteria produce lactic acid, which helps maintain an acidic environment in the vagina (the vaginal pH). A low vaginal pH is important because it acts as a natural barrier against harmful bacteria and fungi, reducing the risk of infection.

Several factors can affect the composition and balance of the vaginal micro tree. Such as hormones, sexual activity, hygiene and antibiotic use. And with an imbalance, infections and vaginal symptoms can occur. In addition, it also changes through the different stages of a woman’s life: birth, puberty and menopause.

Benefits of using probiotics

Using probiotics can promote the health of your intimate area. It can maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the vagina, inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi. This can help prevent vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis and vaginal yeast infections.

Also, the use of probiotics can help maintain or improve the vaginal pH. A healthy vaginal pH (around 3.8 and 4.5) creates an environment unfavorable for the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi.

VLife for the intimate zone

In our collection we have 3 products for women’s intimate zone. These are for the various stages of a woman’s life: teens, 20+ and menopause. With the goal of creating an optimal balance of intimate flora for everyone and making discomfort disappear. It can take care of the following, among other things:


  • Managing your feelings better during puberty
  • Hormonal changes in your body


  • An optimal balance of intimate flora
  • Preventing irritations
  • Preventing excessive discharge

Menopause 40+:

  • Preventing hot flashes
  • Preventing mood swings
  • Preventing fatigue

Our products are clinically tested and officially registered. To get the most benefit from probiotics, it is important to use them for a longer period of time.

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